Partnering and contract manufacturing
Reagena is a trusted industrial partner in contract manufacturing of diagnostic products, such as reagents, controls, calibrators, and EIA plates. Our success with long-standing manufacturing partnerships with industrial customers is recognized in high customer satisfaction results.
Reagents, solutions, controls, and calibrators
Reagena provides manufacturing services from the initial customer need to a ready-to-use product.
– Products are manufactured according to the specifications and quality requirements given
– Packaging designed and manufactured in the agreed format
– Labeling according to the current legislation
Kati Ryynänen
Sales Manager, Export & Contract Manufacturing
+358 50 343 0891
Read more:

Reagena 35 years – Decades of Reliable Diagnostics
Now, when a new year has begun, it is good time to look at the past and envision the future. For us at Reagena, 2022 was the year of celebration...

Up to Date Information from the National Near Patient Testing Days
To examine a patient with an infection, specialized laboratory diagnostics are often required, which can also be done with point-of-care tests....

Greetings from the ICLB 2022
In the beginning of September Reagena team attended the International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB), which...

The importance of rapid tests will increase in the future
This year's AACC Annual Scientific meeting + Clinical Lab Expo showed just how significant role rapid tests play in the IVD market. In the last...